Supporting Orphanage

“We know that our donations make a real and lasting difference to our less-privileged children in India. We see it in their faces and in their accomplishments. We really do feel like they are our girls and boys so…and we feel proud and humbled by their enthusiastic appreciation.”

Every child deserves a chance

Every child in the World is deserves a happy childhood and the opportunity to build a brighter future. The Sikhism believes our humanity is the same under the philosophy and message preached by the Sikh Guru’s:

“Manas Ki Jaat Sabhe Ek Hi Pahchanovo” (“all human beings are one”) is the message of Gurbani and every Sikh in his Ardas wishes well for everyone; irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sex. “Nanak Nam Chardi Kala, Tere Bhane Sarbat Da Bhala”. Thus Gurbani believes in casteless society based on the principles of individual dignity, social justice and economic equality and preaches universal brotherhood; “Na Ko Bairi Nahe Begana, Sagal Sang Hum Ko Ban Aayee.”

As Guru Nanak Sahib had said, to share one’s wealth with the vulnerable people who are suffering and to help reduce that suffering will be recognized at the house of God. Guru Gobind Singh ji said, in times of human suffering, every Sikh must adhere to the guidelines established by the Sikh principles. Guru ji had preached that serving humanity with selfless service and sharing others grief and helping them with your earning, love, compassion and humility should be practiced by the Sikhs.

GNFC offering a helping hand since 2012

Since 2012, our dedicated team members have been supporting two orphanages Shaheed Bhai Dharam Singh Kashtiwal trust for the orphaned girls centre and Gurdwara Chanduana Sahib charitable trust for the blind and disabled children in Chanduana Sahib. Our work involves moral, social, religious, cultural, economic uplift of orphaned, unwanted, abandoned, disabled and poor children.

 Guru Nanak Foundation focuses on the values that bind us together as a human family. Our aspiration is to make a positive impact in the lives of our children with the support of willing partners, volunteers and the community. At both orphanages, our programs focus on health, education, food, shelter and religious teachings. We have undertaken the responsibility of looking after unfortunate children, some of whom are completely blind or handicapped. At the Amritsar centre most of them are orphaned girls or girls who belong to families who do not have the means to support.

To implement our programs with the assistance of these partner organizations, our goal is to promote the wellness, confidence, safety, and development of children living in our supporting facilities in the village Chandoana (Barnala) and Sultanwind (Amritsar).

Orphanages need your imperative support

Dedicated to revamping existing spaces and supporting these orphanages that are currently struggling with financial crisis is affecting the health and mental well-being of the children. With further modifications of their current buildings, our project is committed to support these trusts at Sultanwind and Chandoana Sahib with a more modern building, furniture, furnishings, sanitization, and accessories to create a more resourceful safe, clean, and happy environment for the unfortunate children of our Panth (community) to enjoy their future lives.

Our programmes include distributions of linens and bedding supplies along with mattress donations. If not cash money then clothing, shoes, school uniforms, hygiene and clean drinking water products, computers, books and household supplies could be donated to assist in care and comfort to make these orphanages to feel like “Home Sweet Home.”

With your generous help, we are determined to build this home safe, bigger and resourceful for these unfortunate girls where they can receive the love which every child deserves and a good education so they can go on to lead productive and empowered lives.

Our work together has just begun. We humbly begged the local organizations, NGO’s, religious and social institutions and Sikh community worldwide to provide these orphanages their underpinning support to expand their networks for saving more lives of ignored children of the nation.

Together, Guru Nanak Foundation family will wrap them in our love and build them a better home to save and brighten their future….and create the opportunity for a new life.


What does your child mean to you and how would you feel if you couldn’t be there to love, protect and guide him / her?

“We know that our donations make a real and lasting difference to our less-privileged children in India. We see it in their faces and in their accomplishments. We really do feel like they are our girls and boys so…..and we feel proud and humbled by their enthusiastic appreciation.”

An Inspiring Daughter of the Sikh Nation in India

She is a ray of hope for many Girls - Bibi Sandeep Kaur of Amritsar

Two-and-a-half-year-old Agamjot’s biological parents had decided her fate even before she was born. Desperate to have a son, they wanted to kill her in the womb, but it was not to be. Bibi Sandeep Kaur came to her rescue.

She convinced her parents that if they gave birth to a girl, she would adopt her. Now, Agamjot sees Bibi as her real mother.

Similar is the story of two-year-old Mehakdeep. She was abandoned by her mother and raised by Bibi.

These two are not her only “daughters”. Bibi has become the “mother” of over 1000 of girls in the past two decades who are and were sheltered in her trust, either refused to be accepted by their parents or became orphaned due to adverse circumstances.

Bibi runs Bhai Dharam Singh Khalsa Charitable Trust at Sultanwind village, Amritsar, the organization was set up with an aim to provide a house for destitute women and children. The trust is founded in the memory of her deceased husband Bhai Dharam Singh Khalsa who passed during the Sikh struggle, started after 1984 Sikh massacres. The organization was started when it was providing shelter to majority of the daughters of those who died during the Sikh Struggle, fighting for their rights. From last decade, it has became a welcoming-house for every unfortunate girl who is willing to follow the path of Sikhism irrespective of whether she is neglected, unwanted, abandoned, orphaned or due to other circumstances.

Bibi’s works are good example for the World, she has helped young and helpless girls turn into well-educated, confident, self-reliant women. She has performed around 200 marriages and many girls are settled abroad.

With the passage of time, Bibi’s attention diverted solely towards those girls who are unwanted by their biological parents. She said even in the present scenario, girls are not welcome in many poor and uneducated families. Instead of sending them to school, they are relegated to household work and are ill-treated.

She often appeals to people: “I am the proud mother of every unfortunate daughter. Those who think girls are a curse, please do not kill them. I am ready to embrace them. It’s their right to live.” Upon the arrival of every new child, the entire house rejoices at the addition of a family member.

Her life’s aim is to educate them and make them self-reliant. She started this trust solely with her own money and when the things got going, many generous people joined in with her mission.

Since 1996, Over 2,000 girls have found safe refuge, got educated, became baptized and married during their stay at Bhai D S Khalsa trust in Amritsar and many of them were daughters of those Sikhs who were the victims of 1984 Sikh struggle.

Guru Nanak Foundation of Canada recognize the inspiring daughter of the Sikh Nation whose remarkable achievements in the last three decades are not only revitalization to our team but also an awakening call to the Sikh World to find more like Bibi Sandeep Kaur who are undertaking much challenging work in India. Our organization is fully committed to continue our support to her trust which is working day and night for the same mission...

Save Girls, Educate Girls!