The Guru Nanak Foundation of Canada

The Guru Nanak Foundation of Canada is a non-profit group of dedicated volunteers from the Sikh community of Canada. Our primary aim is to preach, promote and practice the principles of ‘Seva’ (service) as established by the founder of Sikhisim, Guru Nanak, by following the path of ‘Sarbat da Bhalla’ – welfare of all the humanity.

The Guru Nanak Foundation of Canada was developed out of a desire to become a Sikh charity which reached out with the ‘Helping Hands of the Sikhs’ in the world. We are improving underprivileged people’s livelihoods by providing children education, feeding the hungry and providing clean drinking water, supporting orphanages, and aiding eye surgeries for the blind.

These services are not limited to any particular race, religion, colour, gender or country.

Inspired by - ਵਿਚਿ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਸੇਵ ਕਮਾਈਐ ॥

“Vich Duniyan Save Kamayei, Ta Dargah Baisan Paayai”

Guru Nanak Mission for Humanity

In the midst of this world, do selfless service for humanity and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of God.” Page 26 (Guru Granth Sahib) Sri Raag by Guru Nanak Dev Ji

The Guru Nanak Foundation of Canada has been established to commemorate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Our group of dedicated Sikhs are inspired and guided by the great mission of humanity of Guru Nanak Devi Ji which recognizes that one who earns their own livelihood and share with the needy, follows the true path of God.

Get Involved

With the support of people like you, we’ve helped over 1000 Sikh families. Here’s what you should know.

100% Goes to the Field

All donations goes directly into the projects. All members of SCS are volunteers.

100% Project Investment

We do not give cash handouts to anyone. All donations are directly invested into the projects

Our Impact